When I'm 33

Today as I sat outside and welcome my 33rd year I was overwhelmed by God's goodness and faithfulness in my life!
The evidence for God is presented all around. He causes the sun to stand in the sky, the earth grew from nothing at his words and all around us creation points outstretched fingers to him and his glory.
The dancing wind is whispering his name daily. Sometimes we cast our eyes inward and search for happiness to come from us. We strive for joy and pursue the happy when if we just stopped for a moment, looked up and took it all in we'd be unable to deny the JOY that only comes from him.
I pray that this year the Holy Spirit will transform and remold me into God's image. This process is slow and at times tender and painful. I know refinement is never easy but, the fruit my life will bear is worth each step.

The past years have been full of ups and downs as I struggle up to the top of my personal mountain. God has faithfully led me on. Through all those valleys and peaks. Constant father, loving and tender yet disciplining when I needed it.
I pray today this next year no matter what it is filled with is a year of following GOD.

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