Real Life

Real life.... real life... real life....
Thoughts are swirling in these old gray cells of mine right now. This week has brought so many interesting things into my life.
I had a pretty sweet little post typed up and sent it into cyber space but, it just did not feel quite right. It was wearing an apron, lipstick and heels TONIGHT.....
that is not what my post needs to wear.
It is wearing sweats and has its hair in a pony tail.

Today I experienced pain and hurt beyond what I expected. My goal in life is to love others and love GOD. I try to live this out as best as my feeble little hands and mind can. There is someone in my life who is very important and because of their choice to sin I can not be close to them anymore. I have remained where I always have been. They have have packed their bags and run from GOD. I have not changed. There however are those moments when your conviction and dedication to God supersedes relationships. I say this not as Mrs Judgy Mcjudgerson but, a simple sinner who loves her Lord and is just trying to work my own life out as I follow the HIM.

 Today I thought... text them... write them... tell them you love them. Despite not having the closeness I can do this one thing. I can love from afar.
My text was met with such animosity and anger. Words came zig zagging out of the phone at me in a torrent of hate. It hurt, oh my it hurt.
I put the phone down and walked away. Everything in me begged "Pick it up and really let em have it.... pull back on the bow and let the arrow ping"
Instead I called a friend and just cried.
It was then during the call she reminded me this person is hurt. There is so much pain in each word that was given to me. It was then I saw past the words and saw the hurter as a person.
She reminded me to take this to God and leave it at his feet. No replaying the conversation, no dwelling and no allowing myself to be sucked down.
I praise the Lord for putting my friend in my life. She gave me wisdom and such a good listening ear.
You know what? She was so right. It's been a struggle today to focus on not having a one sided mental battle with the hurter.

There will be times in life like this. Where we are kicked in the gut as we climb the mountain in our life. I look on things that happened this week and this fits with what else I've been learning and struggling with.
Finding my value, not from others but from above. It is in him I am made strong. He fills me with his strength!
I will fall asleep with this on my mind......

1st Thessalonians 4:11

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, 
to mind your own business and to work with your hands just as we told you. 

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